They say everyone in the United States can remember where they were when the terrorist planes crashed into the World Trade Towers on September 11, 2001. I was seven years old, and I was asleep in bed.
The last time we visited New York City, in 2005, Ground Zero was a big hole in the ground, surrounded by extensive wrappings of yellow police tape. Over the last decade, it has changed tremendously. Two beautiful reflection pools have replaced the holes left by the Twin Towers’ basements, and a museum has replaced the rubble.
We didn’t go into the museum, because the line wrapped around the building, but we did spend some time at the reflection pools. I was wondering why they are called reflection pools when they don’t really reflect the buildings, but then I realized that they aren’t meant to physically reflect anything. They are there for people to reflect on what happened, the lives that were lost, and the heroes that were made on that terrible day.
You know, it’s easy to let our differences tear us apart. Everything seems to become a political agenda these days. Sadly, it often takes a tragedy like 9/11 to draw us back together. As I reflect on September 11, 2001, my hope for our nation is that it won’t take another terrorist attack for us to realize that we are all American, and we should cherish that commonality high above all that separates us.

Where were you on September 11, 2001? Comment below to share your story.