Do you love the setting of Anne of Green Gables? Then this blog post is for you! Today, PEI romance author Liz Johnson is talking about her latest book, Summer in the Spotlight with me, Breana Johnson–no relation to the author ; )

I love the theater setting of Summer in the Spotlight! What’s your experience with drama, and which play did you see most recently?
I absolutely love theater! I try to see at least a few Broadway shows in Phoenix each year, and it’s been a great way to bond with my nieces, who also love to see shows. My oldest niece has been in a number of high school and community productions, so I love seeing her perform.
My personal experience is confined to audience member. Though one time I auditioned for a role in The Importance of Being Earnest (the same show they’re producing in Summer in the Spotlight). I was terrible and did NOT get a call back. But I had so much fun!
The last production I saw was a community production of Beauty and the Beast. It was wonderful! A couple weeks before that I saw Anne & Gilbert: The Musical on Prince Edward Island. It’s one of my all-time favorites.
Which character from Summer in the Spotlight do you resonate most with, and why?
Oh, man. I don’t know. I think maybe I see myself most in Violet—the older sister, giving counsel character. I’m rarely without words like Levi—though I do enjoy reading like he does. And I’m not one to faint at the sight of blood like Kelsey. But like her, I enjoy organizing events and coordinating things that matter to me.

What do you hope readers will gain from Summer in the Spotlight?
I hope readers will enjoy a fun escape to Prince Edward Island. And I hope they’ll be reminded of the power of the words we say. We can speak life, or we can speak death. I hope Summer in the Spotlight will encourage readers to encourage and uplift others every day.

Would you like to visit Prince Edward Island with author Liz Johnson? Explore the setting of Anne of Green Gables and Liz’s books when you join her PEI tour in July 2024! Find trip details here.