Today, I’d like to introduce you to the 2022 winner of the romance category of the ACFW Genesis Contest–and her upcoming debut novel! Meet Lori Dejong, author of Love’s True Calling.

It’s so exciting to see Lori’s winning manuscript go from contest entry to published book! Love’s True Calling is being released June 27, but you can preorder now and see why this story captivated the judges of the contest.
1. What inspired you to write Love’s True Calling?
It was actually for a class I took from Laurie Schnebly about plotting a book based on character motivations. We had to come up with two brand new characters and determine what motivated them to achieve their goals, then plot out the book based on those motivations.
I at first thought of a woman going back to college in her late 20’s and finds her professor is the popular guy from high school who made her life miserable. But I couldn’t really get it to work. So I switched them around. She was still the woman coming back to college, but instead I made her the high school Miss Everything and her professor was the high school nerd who had a big crush on her.
It developed from there that they’d been childhood best friends who went separate ways as they entered their teens, and so on. It was really never intended to go anywhere past that class, but I fell in love with the characters and felt a strong pull to write their story. I put it into a couple of contests and won, and that led to my publishing contract with Scrivenings Press.
God always has bigger plans than ours!
2. in Love’s True Calling, your leading lady faces the tough decision between following Jesus’ calling on her life and following her heart. Can you share a time when you had to choose obedience to Jesus over something else that you wanted?
Oh goodness, well, I feel like this happens on a regular basis. In little ways and in big ways. I’ve been battling my weight for years, so I feel that every time I choose to eat when I know I shouldn’t, I’m choosing my will over His. And conversely, I know how good it feels when I have victory over that and choose His will over mine. It may sound frivolous, but on a daily basis, those can be tough decisions when you’re dealing with issues that go way beyond food.

My husband and I have had to make other life decisions where we chose God’s way over something we’d hoped for or planned on. We had really hoped to adopt when our daughter was about five or six, but we didn’t get the feeling that door was opening for us. So we left that dream of having a second child behind instead of pushing through just because it was something we wanted. When we later went through a long season of financial hardship due to job lay-off and the slow recovery afterward, we could see how having a second child through that time would have been very difficult.
3. What do you hope readers will gain, personally or spiritually, from reading your debut novel?
I hope they see the redemptive love of Christ. Harper, my leading lady, made some awful choices in her life, but once she gave her heart over to the Lord, He changed her simply by His grace and forgiveness.
Wyatt, my leading man, is a strong Christian man who has some tragedy in his past that led him to start a student ministry targeting teenagers who yearn to belong. But he comes to understand that even though he’s in ministry, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have issues of his own he needs to give over to God so that he can further his reach.
I hope readers see that obedience to God, no matter the sacrifice, is what brings true joy and peace.

4. You signed a multi-book deal. Can you give us a hint of what’s coming next?
Sure! Book Two, Love’s True Home, (June 2024) is Ally and Zane’s story. As a child to foreign missionaries who moved frequently from one country to another, Ally Kincaid yearns to plant roots in American soil. Zane Carpenter, raised in America’s heartland in the same house until he was eighteen, craves adventure, and if that involves a foreign mission assignment, all the better! But when they fall in love, will she find a home wherever her heart is, or will he find adventure in his own back yard?
Book Three, Love’s True Measure, (June 2025) tells the story of Hunter and Shannon. Raised in a wealthy family by a father who worked too much and a mother who put her value in their position, Shannon Trent only wants to serve God as an adolescent psychologist and student ministry volunteer. Attorney Hunter Cavanaugh, born to an unwed teenage mother who later married a man who couldn’t keep a job, believes his self-made wealth and status is the measure of who he is as a man. When he’s suddenly the guardian of his fourteen-year-old sister, his 80-hour work weeks become a thing of the past, as well as his dream of being made law partner by the age of thirty. But when Hunter’s tasked by his superiors to do something less than ethical, will he measure his worth by man’s standards or God’s? And will Shannon be able to leave the ghosts of her past behind to help a young girl seeking her own value in a new world?
Thanks so much, Lori! I can’t wait to read Love’s True Calling when it arrives on release day!